Kelsey Grant:The School of Embodied Love
Kelsey Grant:The School of Embodied Love
Kelsey Grant

The School of Embodied Love

A Modern Day Mystery School for Embodied Love, Emotional Alchemy and Relational Mastery.

About Us

This school is the pathway work into the world of embodied loving, embodied relating and being in right relationship with the full range of your humanness.

THE LOVE CLUB: A free community space to begin your relational studies. In this container Kelsey offers live FREE community calls most months of the year and shares written transmissions and content to begin your journey.

The Self-Love Path

THE ROOTS OF LOVE- 3 Month Foundational container to anchor the 9 essential roots of love deep into your embodiment and relational world.

MUTUALLY MET- The art of feminine opening, receptivity and aligning with the relational dream in your heart. (9 month path)

The Alchemy of Love Path:

EMERGENCE: 6 Week Embodiment Introduction container. Utilizing Kelsey's Signature Embodied Alchemy Method

REVERENCE: Emotional Alchemy + Introductions to Emotional Alchemy (minimum 12 month path)

INITIATED: The foundations of relational mastery (upper level path). Pre-requisite: REVERENCE (or program equivalent). This 2 year devotional container is in service to liberated love. 

In addition to the path work I offer classes, workshops and masterminds for dating and masterminds for couples work. 

About Kelsey

Kelsey is the founder of the School of Embodied Love and the Creatrix behind the Alchemy of Love Path.

She guides, leads and mentors those who are called to embody love of the highest order and expand into new relational possibilities in their romantic and non-romantic relationships.

Her work is a combination of transmission teachings, embodiment practices and practical skill set building.

This is an alchemical space. This is transformation work. It is spiritual. It is psychological. It is human. 

Ready to Explore?

If you're ready to embody the love, richness and connection your heart longs for this work is for you.

Come join us.

Request to join The Embodied Love Academy and you'll automatically receive access to The Love Club.

This is the free community space where Kelsey hosts regular community calls.